My first tip to writing…

2 min readNov 18, 2020


Many of us think about writing but never do, allowing a multitude of excuses prevent us from putting down our words and thoughts. Denying us the pleasure and proven benefits of writing.

These excuses can range from thinking we do not have enough time to being so concerned with style we rarely get past the first paragraph. Many of us await the magical inspiration we are told comes to the creative. The moment the light-bulb comes on and we spend days sitting at the [enter choice of medium here] writing reams of the soon to be next instant classic.

The common myth of the light-bulb moment

Truth is that magic does not exist, writers get on and write whilst the majority of us just think about it.

We think that some people are just good at writing, but whoever is good at something spent a long time being bad at it. To get good at skateboarding you have to get through the bruises (and possible fractures), to get good at wining you have to get through the losses and to get good at writing you have to write whether it be good or bad.

Take this post for instance, I know the importance of writing content to market products online however I have been frozen for weeks. Letting it linger in the back of mind without any action being taken.

I eventually opened a blank document in Word and started making bullet points, then before you know it, I started fleshing out those bullet points to sentences, to paragraphs and voila I have written my first article… on writing funny enough.

Whether it is any good or not is not down to me to decide, it is down to the reader. If no one is reading, then I may never know but that is not the point the point is I have started articulating my thoughts and recording them.

So, my first tip to writing, is to just start.

Side Note: Don’t be afraid of veering off subject this is just the start… This article was meant to be about writing your Life Story as I am developing an application to help you do just this (




Written by D0nBale


Failing Forward (hopefully…). Always Learning Forever Curious

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